The fight for ethical trade continues

We set up the Producer Fund earlier this year to help the best ethical producer groups stand strong in difficult, uncertain times. Thanks to your generous donations, work is already underway.

We’ve picked out three exciting projects that will help safeguard the future of some of the world’s most inspirational, transformational producer groups.

These projects were designed by the producer groups themselves to help open up new opportunities for growers, artisans and farmers in their communities.

The Producer Fund in action

1. A greener, fairer future for Sadhna

In Udaipur, India, ethical clothing cooperative Sadhna is investing in zero-waste initiatives to recycle garment off-cuts and turn them into new income-earning products for disadvantaged artisans. They’re also upskilling with hand-embroidery training for 50 artisans to give them more earning power in a difficult economy.


2. Kazi Yetu on the fast track to international markets

For Kazi Yetu, a women-owned tea cooperative in Tanzania, growers and workers come first. But paying a living wage in a difficult economic climate means that money to invest in growth is hard to come by.

Through the Producer Fund, Kazi Yetu are investing in the upgrades they need to meet international standards and open up many new opportunities.


3. Meru Herbs take a step into the future

Meru Herbs has done fantastic work for many years but the organisation is a point where investment is needed to continue. The solar panels that power their factory through 100% renewable energy need urgent attention.

On top of this, in a difficult economic climate, investment is needed to meet standards and access new markets.


The great news is, this is just a sample of the work that will take place as part of the Producer Fund - we’re offering long term support and partnership to producer groups around the world. The work will continue as the fight for ethical trade rolls on.

So this is just the beginning. But, thanks to your support, it’s an essential, exciting start.


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