158 Marathons later…

May was an eventful month for our Team Trekkers - as they clocked up over 6,600km running, walking and cycling to pay tribute to fair trade pioneers and to power the next generation of trade justice.

That’s a big number.

To put that into context, that’s…

158 Marathons

314 Great North Runs

and 2 Tour De Frances…

It’s also the distance from Transform Trade’s Newcastle office (just round the corner from where the first fair trade products were shipped from in Traidcraft’s early years) to Kenya, where Transform Trade works with farmers, producers and artisans today.

We’re so grateful that the team covered such a huge distance together - so we want to thank everyone who took part. Every kilometre, from laps of the local park to long cycles along mountain passes, counted towards such a huge total. Proof, if ever we needed it, that extraordinary things can arise from people coming together and contributing what they can!

Here are just a few of our Team Trekkers who covered distance in a range of different ways. Cameron (left) covered 176.2km by bike, Andy (centre) covered a mammoth 1000km across the Swiss Alps in training for a triathalon, and Fairtrade seller Marion covered over 200km through walking and recording every step throughout a busy May!

We’d like to thank everyone who contributed even a few kilometres to the team total - because it all adds up to real change for the communities we work alongside. Together, the team raised over £2,750 - Thank you to all who donated!

If you took part…

We’d like to hear from you - please click below to fill out our quick survey so we can plan for our next challenge event!


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