International Trade Select Committee inquiry into scrutiny of trade policy

This submission outlines the importance of democratic processes and full scrutiny of trade policy and trade agreements.

If the UK Government is going to pursue a form of Brexit which results in an autonomous trade policy then it should seek to improve on the way Britain trades with developing countries. It should seek to improve upon the unilateral preferences it currently grants LDCs as well as other economically vulnerable developing countries. This can be done through a combination of improving country coverage, product coverage,rules of origin and cumulation alongside simplifying administration processes.

Economic Partnership Agreements have been contentious, the EU is reconsidering their approach and the UN Economic Commission for Africa has called for a pause therefore it makes no sense for the UK to replicate at this time. Instead of replicating these flawed EPAs the Government should ensure that improvements to the UK’s unilateral preference scheme are brought forward to ensure they are in place in timefor the UK’s withdrawal from the EU.


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