Transform Trade campaigns for fashion which doesn’t harm the planet and ensures the people who make our clothes are paid and treated fairly at work.

Fashion campaigns

Fashion Watchdog

The way UK fashion brands buy clothes causes low wages, unsafe working conditions and job losses for the people who make our clothes. Sign our petition for a Fashion Watchdog to force brands to treat their suppliers fairly.

A zoomed in image of a woman's hand sewing a floral design onto a pink netted fabric. The woman has a henna design on her hand and arm and has a plain silver ring on her middle finger

Hidden Hands

‘Homeworkers’ are the hidden hands behind the products we love, but they are paid a pittance and never know how much – or how little – work they will get. It’s time to honour their work and call for them to have the same rights as all workers.

The fast fashion crisis #Payup

In 2020, during the Covid-19 pandemic, Transform Trade supporters wrote to UK fashion brands asking them to honour their contracts with suppliers and make sure workers were being paid.

Learn more