Transforming Trade in 2025 - what’s in store for the New Year?

Already, we are mid-way through January - and we’re looking ahead to what 2025 has in store for the global trade system, and to Transform Trade’s plans to tackle injustice across the world.

From supporting tea growers in Asia and East Africa, to standing with smallholder farmers, garment makers and continuing to invest directly in producer businesses fighting for a fairer deal, our work will continue to grow and expand this year. You might already have received a copy of our January Magazine in the post, but if not, you can read it here.

This year brings all kinds of ways to get involved – from hosting Big Brews in February and March, to supporting Spring’s new phase of our 1000 Businesses Appeal, buying new products from the Traidcraft shop (including a range of Easter and everyday cards!) and supporting our campaigning work, sharing social media posts, and standing up for a better way of doing business through sponsoring a producer group.

Whatever the challenges and opportunities brought by a new year, we’re incredibly grateful for the amazing support of people like you, dedicated to building a fairer and more just trade system. None of our work will be possible without you – the amazing community helping to create a fairer and more just trade system.

There’s no limit to the amazing things you can do to support the fight for a fairer trade system – from taking on a marathon like the amazing Michael, to hosting coffee mornings and raising awareness in your church or community group though holding talks or events. The impact that amazing individuals like you have is truly inspirational - and if you’d like to enjoy a truly uplifting story, Remembering Rosemary will remind you of the difference we can all make.

It’s going to be a big year in the wider world of trade, too.

Last year was another record breaking year for global heat, and 2025 is shaping up to be even more extreme. The climate crisis continues to hit the most vulnerable the hardest, and we sadly expect to hear more from the producers we work alongside about the impact of ever more extreme weather patterns.

This year, it’s COP30 – and whilst it’s easy to be cynical about the outcomes of this global event, COP30, hosted in Brazil, is set to be a huge event. Read more about our take on COP29, and the changes we we hope to see in 2025.

The UK’s new government brings new opportunities and challenges to tackling injustice in global trade. Whilst a new government has meant we’ve lost the 62 MPs already signed up to calling for a Fashion Watchdog, it’s also brought renewed interest in the fight for justice in global supply chains, and already 6 MPs have pledged their support.

Alongside this, we’re hoping to see renewed energy and interest in a Business Human Rights Act - calling on the government to pass legislation holding British businesses to account for human rights violations overseas.

Transform Trade’s 2025 plans

Amidst the global uncertainty we all face, one thing is for sure – the only way to change things is by taking action together. And this year, we have a lot of action planned. From continuing to lobby for big picture change – by putting an end to UPOV91, and campaigning for a Fashion Watchdog – to continuing direct investment in 1000 ethical producer groups, bold, life changing action is what Transform Trade is all about in 2025.

We’re investing in new producer groups – from tea growers in Assam and Kenya, to farmers in rural India, and cocoa growers in Tanzania – supporting them to grow their businesses, navigate new markets, and increase their social impact though direct investment. We continue to stand up for the most vulnerable in global supply chains - supporting cotton growers, garment workers, and smallholder farmers.

Our policy work here in the UK continues to focus on centering the voices of producers across the world who we all rely on, calling on the government and businesses to consider the needs of those all too often hidden and exploited in global supply chains.

In a world of uncertainty and rapidly unfolding global change, we know that by coming together in solidarity with farmers, workers and producers, we can make a real and tangible difference. Together in 2025, we can take steps to build a world where everyone, no matter where they were born, can earn a fair living free from exploitation – and protect the planet we all rely on.


Want to ensure a fairer deal for fashion’s worst paid workers? We need to talk about collective bargaining.


Remembering Rosemary