The latest news and updates from Transform Trade.
Farmers, food and freedom: how trade deals are undermining the right to seeds
When we think of trade deals and food, we tend to think about physical foodstuffs moving between borders.What we might not consider is the fact that many trade deals actually play a part in shaping the rules that govern the food system.
Last week, the World Trade Organisation once again failed farmers.
Last week, the World Trade Organisation once again failed farmers.
Global fashion brands accused of unfair practices - report
In a new report Bangaldeshi garment suppliers accuse big fashion brands of unfair treatment including paying less than the cost of production.
It’s time we talked about trade.
Transform Trade CEO, Charlotte Timson, explains why, if we’re serious about tackling inequality, we need to look beyond tax cuts and start thinking about the truth behind the trade system.
Missed opportunities in Geneva – the WTO meeting and climate change
The WTO meeting and climate change
The UK’s development strategy fails to confront the world’s biggest crises
The strategy prioritises geopolitical and economic self-interests, at the expense of the most-impacted communities.
Conflict, Covid-19 and climate - what does this mean for trade?
Here in the UK, we’re reading headlines about rocketing petrol prices and the biggest cost of living rise in decades. But for the communities Traidcraft Exchange works with around the world, the impact of this ‘perfect storm’ is even more acute – and it’s set to get worse.
A year on from our first climate change campaign
A year on from our public campaign calling for the Government to join the ACCTs trade deal, our Head of Policy, Ally Carnwath, talks us through what the campaign resulted in.
How do the UK’s new trade deals measure up on global poverty and climate change?
The Government started talking about ‘Global Britain’ back in late 2016, just after the Brexit referendum. Theresa May and Boris Johnson argued that we now had the chance to make new trade deals with the rest of the world, and that these trade deals would benefit the UK but also the poorest people in the world.
Fast forward to late 2021, and the Government has faltered in delivering on this promise.