Thank you for your support of the Regenerators Appeal

Issa Mkandu Issa

It has been a few months since we wrapped up the Regenerators Appeal and we’ve been hard at work totting up the final total.

Thanks to our amazing supporters, we have reached a final total of £1,312,585, including £656,292 of match funding from the UK government, to help people on the front line stand strong in the face of climate change.

People like Issa, in Tanzania. In Issa’s village they don’t ask ‘is climate change real?’

They ask: ‘how will I feed my family now that the floods have destroyed my farm?’

As he explains, it wasn’t always like this.

“In my time when I was growing up, these changes had not happened. Back then the seasons went through without any problem. People here knew exactly what to do because the weather was stable.”

But the certainty of his childhood is long gone. Climate change means that the coastal region’s once predictable weather is now erratic, and harvests have suffered. An unpredictable cycle of floods and droughts mean that farming in his community barely turns a profit.

“The last rainy season, there was a lot of water and the river flooded. Some of the villagers lost their animals and their houses were destroyed - we had to find a boat to rescue them.”

Climate change is happening right now, and it’s hitting the most vulnerable the hardest. Thanks to your support of the Regenerators appeal, people like Issa can begin the fightback.

Issa’s village can now receive training in climate-resilient agriculture, forest protection and invest in tech such as solar panels.

With all this, delivered through our teams in Tanzania, the Regenerators can make that first step towards turning the tide and make sure their community can stand strong in the face of the changing climate.

Once again, thank you.


Meet Joshna Begum


Foreign aid cuts: Time to leave the broken aid model behind and shift the power.