Tell your local candidates to back people centred trade.

This general election could change everything. Make sure trade and climate justice is on the agenda where you live.

We are Transform Trade.

A global community of farmers, workers, collectives, campaigners, donors and supporters, we work together for trade that values people over profit.

Right now, corporate greed and destruction still dominate the world of trade. But there is another way to do business. It’s called people centred trade.

We need to talk about seeds.

Imagine being unable to share your seeds with your neighbours - all because a corporation on a different continent owns the rights. Something called UPOV91 is to blame...

We work to transform these industries…

  • Tea

    We amplify the voices of workers in the tea industry - aiming to build an industry free from exploitation.

  • Farming

    We work together with farmers like Edith from Meru County, Kenya who are identifying and overcoming huge barriers with ingenuity and passion.

  • Fashion

    We support garment workers and artisans like Arifa Begum, who are looking to turnaround the fashion sector for good.

Ready to learn more?
Let’s stay in touch